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Hurricane Ian U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Grant Program



In the aftermath of Hurricane Ian the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) allocated $1,107,881 directly to Lee County to support long-term recovery efforts. The disaster recovery funds must be used for disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure, housing, economic revitalization, mitigation and planning. 

Each of the activities mentioned above must be CDBG eligible activities and meet a CDBG-DR National Objective.  

1. Activities benefiting low- and moderate- income persons 
2. Activities which aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight 
3. Activities designed to meet community development having a particular urgency  

At least 70% of the grant must be used for projects that benefit Low-to-Moderate income households, which HUD defines as a family at or below 80% of Area Median Income. In Lee County a single person household would qualify at $52,450 or less per year, while the limit for total household income is $74,000 per year for a family of four. 

Lee County, through the Lee County CDBG-DR Action Plan has identified the first five (5) eligible activities below for countywide funding and the housing related programs will be implemented specifically for all areas of Lee County (includes its municipalities). For more information on the housing related programs contact LeeCares at (239) 382-5453 or leeflcares.com. The eligible activities outlined in the Lee County Action Plan are: 

LeeCares Individual Housing Recovery  
Housing Rehabilitation Reconstruction and Elevation 
Home Purchase Assistance 
Voluntary Residential Acquisition 
Affordable Housing Development and Preservation 
Public Facilities and Critical Infrastructure 
Public Services 

Hurricane Ian – CDBG-DR Planning Projects 

Lee County announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on December 5, 2023 for the Recovery and Resiliency Planning Program utilizing Hurricane Ian CDBG-DR funds.  At the January 17, 2024 City Council meeting Council approved staff to submit a Mobility Plan ($500,000) and a Parks Master Plan ($500,000). City staff submitted applications for both plans to Lee County on February 23, 2024.  Lee County’s Evaluation Committee met on April 1, 2024 and recommended funding for all planning studies submitted to them. The Board of County Commissioners accepted the evaluation committee’s recommendation at their regular meeting on April 16, 2024.  The City executed both the mobility plan and parks master plan agreements on July 16, 2024 and the Board of County Commissioners executed both agreements on August 6, 2024.  

City of Bonita Springs Parks and Recreation Master Plan 

The focus of the Parks Master Plan is to develop a comprehensive, long-range strategy that will provide a planning document intended to shape the direction, development and delivery of the City’s parks and recreation facilities, programs and services over the next 10-15 years.  

The bid proposal (RFP #24-08) was released on August 27, 2024 and will close on October 28, 2024 for the Parks Master Plan. The Request for Proposals documents can be found on the City’s website https://cityofbonitasprings.procureware.com/home.  

The City anticipates signing a contract with the top ranked firm in early 2025.  

City of Bonita Springs Mobility Plan 

The focus of the City’s Mobility Plan is to develop a comprehensive, long-range transportation master plan. The plan will provide long-range transportation planning for bicycle, pedestrian and motorized vehicle movement through the City to shape the direction development and delivery of the City’s transportation needs over the near, mid and long term. 

The City is in the process of developing the bid proposal and once issued will release the Request for Proposal (RFP) on the City’s website https://cityofbonitasprings.procureware.com/home. 


Hurricane Ian - CDBG-DR PUBLIC FACILITIES AND Critical Infrastructure Projects 

Lee County published a NOFO for the Public Facilities Program and Critical Infrastructure Program on March 5, 2024 with a grant submittal deadline of May 24, 2024. The minimum funding request was $5 million, and the maximum request was $50 million. At the April 17, 2024 City Council meeting Council approved the submittal of the following public facilities and critical infrastructure projects: 

Public Facilities 

Community Pool Improvements 
Leitner Creek Soccer Field 

Critical Infrastructure 

Ragsdale/Pennsylvania/Arroyal Corridor Street Improvements 
Rails to Trails Project 
Old 41 Road Bike and Pedestrian Improvement Project 

The Lee County Infrastructure Evaluation Committee met on Monday, August 12, 2024 to review all the countywide projects. After careful review of the projects by the committee the City’s Ragsdale/Pennsylvania/Arroyal Corridor Street Improvement Project was recommended for funding in the amount of $21 million ($24 million had been requested). 

Lee County staff will be taking the committee’s recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) for final approval in September. If the BoCC adopts the committee’s recommendation the City should receive a contract for the project in the next couple of months. 

Concerns and Complaints 

Anyone dissatisfied with the nature of, the services provided, or decisions made on behalf of the Hurricane Ian CDBG-DR Planning Projects and/or the Critical Infrastructure Project may register a complaint or file a formal appeal in accordance with the City’s CDBG-DR complaint and appeal processes. 


COMPLAINTS: Complaints generally pertain to the nature of the program, or the level or quality of services provided. Complaints must be submitted in writing. When the City receives a complaint, the complaint should be directed to the CDBG-DR Senior Project Manager in the Public Works Department to evaluate and respond. All complaints will be acknowledged within five (5) business days of receipt. All complaints will be considered and responded to generally within thirty (30) business days. Should a specific complaint require more than thirty (30) business days to address, the CDBG-DR Senior Project Manager handling the complaint will advise the complainant in writing accordingly and indicate when the response can be fully addressed. The City will maintain records of all documents submitted and issued concerning the complaint. 


For assistance with the CDBG-DR complaint process, call Elly Soto McKuen at (239) 949-6262 or Email: [email protected]


All written comments or complaints may be submitted to the following address:  

City of Bonita Springs 
Public Works Department  
9101 Bonita Beach Road SE 
Bonita Springs, Florida 34135 
ATTN: Elly Soto McKuen 


Records of all comments, objections, and/or complaints by citizens concerning the City of Bonita Springs’ CDBG-DR program and subsequent action taken in response to those comments will be maintained on file by the City Clerk and shall be made available for public inspection upon request.  

Procurement and Contracts 

The City of Bonita Springs follows Procurement Ordinance 15-14 

Bonita Springs Procurement Ordinance 15-14.pdf

 As contracts come online the City will provide the following information, at a minimum, for each vendor associated with the Hurricane Ian CDBG-DR Projects: 

1. Consultants name (Vendor) 
2. Professional service 
3. Contract execution date 
4. Contract amount 
5. Funds spent to date 

Elly Soto McKuen, Senior Project Manager 
Public Works Department 
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (239) 949-6262 


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Description automatically generated    Funding provided by Lee County Board of County Commissioners and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery. The City as well as all vendors are required to comply in accordance with Federal Grant Requirements, 2 CFR part 200, terms, conditions and specifications.