Join us to Celebrate Bonita Springs! Portions of the Old 41 corridor, including the bridge, Riverside Park and the Bayan Tree lot will be illuminated for an immersive stroll. Enjoy lights, music, projections, and art. Enjoy free nightly strolls from dusk to 10pm.  April 9th -12th. Each evening downtown businesses will be celebrating with live music, specials and more.

On the final night of the stroll, the city is hosting the Celebrate Bonita event. The free event begins April 12th at 5pm in Riverside Park. Join us for student performances, followed by a free concert by Kylie Morgan. The Celebrate Bonita Festival is an event that celebrates the City’s incorporation. The event will be held from 5 pm to 9 pm. The event features a mixture of student performances, community art pieces, local performances, and a free concert. 

